What is mastic gum?

Mastic gum is an all-natural, refreshingly aromatic resin that forms in the trunk and branches of the Pistacia tree. The Pistacia tree is an evergreen shrub that flourishes on the temperate Greek island of Chios. It’s been harvested and used for thousands of years, but just recently it’s had an increase in scientific interest thanks to its proven multi-benefit properties.

Throughout history, mastic has always been a luxury, sought after for how rare it is. The villages of Chios were built like fortresses during the Bronze Age to keep pirate invaders out. This resin was worth its weight in gold, if not more.

It is harvested with techniques that have remained unchanged for thousands of years. The sap was treasured, literally, by the warriors, philosophers and emperors of Ancient Greece alike.

When it’s chewed, the resin softens and becomes a bright white, opaque gum. While bitter at first, the gum gradually releases a refreshing, slightly piney or cedar-like flavour.